Profile Area – From Materials to Product Innovation

In the profile area – From Material to Product Innovation, researchers at Technische Universität Darmstadt are working on transforming materials into product innovations. Currently, a total of 39 departments from eight faculties of TU Darmstadt are involved in the profile area: Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Geosciences, Mathematics and Physics.

In this context, both the successful and unsuccessful transfer of a material to a product innovation in the past will be investigated in detail. Suitable strategies will be derived from this work to enable the efficient development of innovative products. The main themes include the functionality and efficiency of new materials, their manufacturing, processing engineering and finishing through to the development of a marketable product. In this process, modular components and material concepts, such as material composites and composite materials, will be at the forefront of the research.

Prof. Biesalski, Head of the Profile Area

“Our activities focus on modern and future-oriented materials for sustainable and innovative products.”

News from the Profile Area