#1 cited paper published in the past 10 years in the Materials Science, Ceramics category
Polymer-Derived Ceramics: 40 Years of Research and Innovation in Advanced Ceramics
by Paolo Colombo, Gabriela Mera, Ralf Riedel, Gian Domenico Sorarù: Abstract Preceramic polymers were proposed over 30 years ago as precursors for the fabrication of mainly Si-based advanced ceramics, generally denoted as polymer-derived ceramics (PDCs). The polymer to ceramic transformation process enabled significant technological breakthroughs in ceramic science and technology, such as the development of ceramic fibers, coatings, or ceramics stable at ultrahigh temperatures (up to 2000°C) with respect to decomposition, crystallization, phase separation, and creep. In recent years, several important advances have been achieved such as the discovery of a variety of functional properties associated with PDCs. Moreover, novel insights into their structure at the nanoscale level have contributed to the fundamental understanding of the various useful and unique features of PDCs related to their high chemical durability or high creep resistance or semiconducting behavior. (…) Journal of the American Ceramic Society
Alexander von Humboldt-Fellowship for Experienced Researcher for Prof. Yu
We congratulate Prof. Dr. Zhaoju from Xiamen University, China. She received the Alexander von Humboldt-Fellowship for Experienced Researcher.
An “ERC Starting Grant” (1.5 million euro) goes to Sascha Preu, Assistant Professor for terahertz systems technology.
Taking full advantage of the terahertz spectrum
Ringvorlesung BAUEN MIT PAPIER – VOM MATERIAL BIS ZUR GESTALTUNG VON PAPIER-BAUWERKEN erfolgreich im Sommersemester 2017 angelaufen
Das Loewe-Projekt BAMP! – Bauen mit Papier ist seit dem 1. Januar 2017 ein vom Land Hessen geförderter Forschungsschwerpunkt an der TU Darmstadt. Er beschäftigt sich in einem interdisziplinären Ansatz mit der Entwicklung von Grundlagen zum Einsatz von Papier als Baumaterial.
Cool research – Scientists receive research funding from the European Union
Three TU Darmstadt scientists were awarded substantial grants from the European Research Council (ERC) for their excellent projects. The outstanding research of Professor Oliver Gutfleisch on the substitution of critical raw and other materials for energy technologies is acknowledged with an “ERC Advanced Grant” (2.5 million euro).
Workshop AF@TU DA
Der Profilbereich „Vom Material zur Produktinnovation“ PMP lädt Sie herzlich zum Workshop Additive Fertigung“ AF@TU DA ein.
ISAF/ECAPD/PFM Konferenz 21.-25. August 2016 in Darmstadt
Mit Unterstützung des Profilbereiches PMP fand vom 21.-25. August 2016 die ISAF/ECAPD/PFM Conference an der TU Darmstadt statt.
PMP-Workshop für NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen
Am 29. Juni 2016 organisierte der Profilbereich PMP einen Nachwuchsworkshop zum Thema Verbundforschung.
PMP: Kick-off Workshop und Vorträge
Am 01. Juni 2016 organisierte der Profilbereich PMP im Rahmen eines Kick-off-workshops verschiedene Vorträge in der Weststadtbar Darmstadt.