Picture: Klaus VölkerPicture: Klaus Völker
3D-printed bridge at the Lichtwiese
Scientists from the “AM Bridge 2019” research project at TU Darmstadt are revolutionizing steel construction. Their goal: a 3D-printed steel bridge over flowing water. The demonstration project on the site of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Lichtwiese has now been completed. The plan: Welding a complete bridge over water.
Picture: Claus VölkerPicture: Claus Völker
DFG Funding for Professor Jürgen Rödel
Materials scientists at the TU Darmstadt want to reinvent the material ceramics. To do this, they intervene in its atomic structure. The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding this as part of a highly endowed Reinhart Koselleck project.
Picture: Katrin BinnerPicture: Katrin Binner
What will we use to cool tomorrow?
Scientists evaluate the potential of materials for magnetic cooling.
Picture: Katrin BinnerPicture: Katrin Binner
Understanding artificial bones better
New test chamber enables simulation of processes in the body
Picture: Kathrin BinnerPicture: Kathrin Binner
Sensors from bioinspired nanopores
Interdisciplinary team enables targeted substance detection
TU successful in the ideas competition “Real Laboratories of the Energy Revolution”
We are happy and congratulate our member Prof. Jens Schneider and his team: Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier today announced the winners of the “Real Laboratories of the Energy Turnaround” competition, including the TU with its DELTA project outline. The aim is to test sustainable energy technologies under real conditions and on an industrial scale. Nationwide, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) awarded prizes to 20 consortia, which can now submit their applications for funding in the coming months. The BMWi is providing 100 million euros annually for this purpose.
The Hessian Minister for Digital Strategy Prof. Kristina Sinemus and Development visits BAMP!
The Hessian Minister for Digital Strategy and Development Prof. Kristina Sinemus visited the TU Darmstadt together with several members of the Hessian Parliament to inform herself about the interdisciplinary LOEWE project BAMP! Prof. Schabel, Prof. Schneider and Prof. Auslender gave the interested members of the state parliament an exciting overview of the BAMP! paper construction project, which is supported by the state of Hesse.
Picture: Karin BinnerPicture: Karin Binner
Researchers use machine elements as sensors
Tobias Schirra, who specializes in product development and machine elements, spent one and a half years researching further development together with his colleague from the department, Georg Martin. They have turned a standard rolling bearing into a sensor bearing that can be used to measure loads and lubricant film thickness, among other things. The new development is intended to help “estimate the time of the next maintenance or when the component needs to be replaced,” reports Schirra. The service life can thus be predicted better and operating procedures can be designed more smoothly.
Flexible sun protection made of perforated textiles
Sun protection systems for buildings typically are available as louvre systems (venetian blinds) and as textile blinds (roll-down blinds). Venetian blinds do not illuminate the room optimally and require more maintenance effort especially as outdoor systems. Conventional textile roll-down blinds provide better illumination of rooms because of diffuse blinding effects, but cannot completely prevent glare effects and do not allow individual adjustment of light transmission.
FLAME auf dem Hessentag 2019 in Bad Hersfeld
Der diesjährige Hessentag findet vom 7. bis 16. Juni in Bad Hersfeld statt. Die TU Darmstadt ist mit LOEWE-Projekten am Stand von „Hessen schafft Wissen“ vertreten, um sich einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren. Mit dem Exzellenzprogramm LOEWE fördert das Land Hessen zukunftsweisende Forschungsvorhaben. FLAME wird vom 12.–13. Juni täglich von 10 bis 19 Uhr auf dem Hessentag 2019 vertreten sein.